Pentaho - 2 : Installing Pentaho in Ubuntu, part 1

There are several requirements that you should meet before installing Pentaho CE in your system. They are;
Hardware Requirements
At least 2GB
Hard Drive Space
At least 1GB
Dual-Core AMD64 or EM64T
Software Requirements
Operating System
Ubuntu (I have mentioned only Ubuntu here because this guide  mainly focus only Ubuntu OS)
Runtime Environment
 Sun Java Runtime Environment 1.5 or higher
Web Browser
Firefox 2.0 or higher ,  Internet Explorer 6 or higher and  Safari 2.0.3 or higher (Any modern web browser will do)
Database Server
MySQL 5.1 or higher

In this post I hope to briefly describe you how to ready your system to install Pentaho BI server (Community Edition).

Installing Java 6

I am using Java 6 with this installation guide.

Open Ubuntu terminal and type
$sudo apt-get install sun-java6-jdk

Set java path in .bashrc file. To do that edit .bashrc file using text editor like Gedit or VIM terminal editor.
export JAVA_HOME=/usr/lib/jvm/java-6-sun

Then after Java is installed in your machine check it with java -version using a new terminal window.
paba@paba-desktop:~$ java -version
java version "1.6.0_26"
Java(TM) SE Runtime Environment (build 1.6.0_26-b03)
Java HotSpot(TM) Server VM (build 20.1-b02, mixed mode)

Then we need to install MySQL. We can easily do that using apt-get again. Open a new terminal (Ctrl+Alt+t) and execute the following command(s).
sudo apt-get install mysql-server

During apt-get install process you will be prompted to enter some of the configuration details.
Type "y" and press "Enter"

Type a password for MySQL root and navigate to <ok> by using down arrow key and press "Enter"

Then repeat the previously entered password and ok

After the installation process completes log on to MySQL server@localhost by typing following in the terminal.
mysql -u root -p<password comes here without '<' and '>'>
My example: mysql -u root -pasdf123
Note: You should not place a space after '-p' unlike '-u'

All right then! We have created the required background for our Pentaho installation. But I will also recommend you to install phpMyAdmin in your machine as it greatly aids MySQL commands execution (much easier than Ubuntu terminal)(You must have apache2 in the system. Just use apt-get to install apache2.)
sudo apt-get install phpmyadmin

Again we have to give several configuration information.
Type "y" and press "Enter"

Then select "yes" and press "Enter"

Then give the password you've set for MySQL database server (e.g mine is asdf123)

Then give a password for phpMyAdmin

Confirm the password

Then configure the web server that should be used to run the phpMyAdmin
When the red mark is at 'apache2' press the space bar, and then press tab to navigate to <ok> and when the red mark is on <ok> press "Enter"

Then go to your favorite browser and go to http://localhost/phpmyadmin/

OK then I will (actually) start installing Pentaho BI server in the next post. :)
Enjoy Ubuntu!


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