How to import large sql files using phpMyAdmin

Today I came across with a problem. That is how to import a sql file larger than 2MB in to my MySQL database using phpMyAdmin. I found the solution with a little search in Google. But I thought to share it with you.

Go to your phpMyAdmin folder and find file.
[In wamp:-- C:\wamp\apps\phpmyadmin3.5.1]

Press ctrl+f and find for $cfg['UploadDir']

Edit it to $cfg['UploadDir'] = 'upload';

Create a new directory called 'upload'
[path:  C:\wamp\apps\phpmyadmin3.5.1\upload]

Place the large sql file inside upload directory.

Go to phpMyAdmin console in your browser.

Go to import page and refresh.

You will see a new drop down under normal file browser button.

Click on that drop down and you will see your large sql file.

Select it and begin import!

Good day to you!!

(Thanx goes to David Pratt's post)


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